Monday, May 2, 2011


So Facebook has really been pissing me off the past two days....  everyone seems to have their own opinion on the whole Osama bin Laden thing - which is fine - they're entitled.  But I am too - so here goes.......  The post I keep seeing is how Obama didn't kill bin Laden, a soldier did... blah.blah.blah.  Really?  Well no shit!  Why does everyone have to turn EVERYTHING into something political?  Do you REALLY think the victims of 9/11 care that it happened on Obama's watch?  I don't understand the big deal.  Are y'all just pissed because a black man did it?  Are y'all pissed because someone you think is muslim did it?  Are y'all pissed because someone you think wasn't born in the U.S. did it?

If someone you liked were president, you wouldn't be attacking them.  I mean, I know President Obama didn't kill OBL.... DUH!  But our president (like him or not), was the one who ultimately made the decision to go in.  Which, by the way, is something John McCain said he WOULD NOT do....  In 2008, in an interview with Larry King, McCain was asked if he would send U.S. troops into Pakistan, if he KNEW OBL was there (and location within), and he said NO.

Why is there so much damn hate?!  I just don't get it.......  I even read where a victim of 9/11 said he just couldn't find in his heart reason to celebrate one more death - even if it was OBL.  WOW.....

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

That's pretty powerful.....  I know half of you will think I'm crazy.  However I'm not saying I'm displeased with his demise... confusing I know.

Oh another thing..... some people are on that "ohhhh don't get too excited.... someone else will take his place.  It's not the end.  Don't think it's over just 'cause we killed him... wah. wah. blah. boo hoo" bandwagon.  I don't think anyone was saying that it's over!!!!  I mean... think about this - there are thousands of child molesters out there.  Arresting or killing one isn't going to make it go away.  But does that mean we shouldn't deal with one when we find them?  Same principle.

I don't give a rat's ass if you like or dislike President Obama.... I don't give a rat's ass if you have to waste YOUR time arguing about "whose victory it was."  I don't give a rat's ass that you feel the need to inform everyone (whom you assume is dumb as hell) that President Obama didn't kill OBL.  I don't care.  STFU.....  Pissed at me yet?  Guess what... don't care about that either.  Because you have the right to express your opinion.  And so do I - and that's exactly what I'm doing.

So while the rest of you are arguing about stupid shit... I'm sitting here thinking about a person I recently lost that I'd love to be able to share news with.

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